Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rooftop Prince OST

aku emang dari dulu termasuk orang yang suka banget sama OST Kdrama yang lagi ditonton.. bahkan sering denger OST dulu baru nonton dramanya.. hahaha... tapi untuk 2 kdrama yang lagi aku ikutin saat ini, selain aku ngikutin perkembangan ceritanya tiap minggu (meski mereka pake tayang di slot jam yang sama jadinya rebutan rating), aku juga ngikutin OST nya juga..

setelah kemarin ngepost 2 lagu dari OST kdrama The King 2 Hearts, kali ini mau ngepost 3 lagu dari OST Rooftop Prince. sebenernya TK2H sendiri punya 3 lagu, satu lagi ada Kylie Minogue yang judulnya 2 Hearts.. tapi berhubung bukan lagu berbahasa Korea, jadi gak aku masukin deh.. 

3 lagu di OST RP ini enak-enak semua.. ada yang sedih menyayat hati banget, sedih arah galau, dan girang.. pokonya.. kalau ngikutin dramanya, pasti pas denger langsung bisa aja kebayang scene mana.. kkk~ 

1. Ali - Hurt
lagu menyayat hati.. ini lagu nongol setiap Putra Mahkota Lee Gak keingetan sama Putri Mahkotanya yang tiba-tiba mati ngapung di kolam kerajaan.. ditambah kalau Lee Gak liat Sena (yang mirip kaya istrinya di jaman modern) lagu ini langsung jadi backsound, dan Lee Gak siap tereak "Binggggguuuuuuuu~~~" dengan muka sedih sesedih sedihnya.. cup cup.. Uchun ganteng jangan mewek ya.. *lah

Because the reason I live is you, 

With my heart, I hope the remaining, flickering memories will be sent to you

At the end of this road I walk on, 
At this road that was allowed to me,
I, who used to love and love you more,
Remain here alone

My love has all burned up and the only thing remaining 
Are the exhausted scars from waiting
I cannot forget a person like you
Only tears fall

** When my love has all washed away
Only the longing scars remain
Only the words, "good bye" remain
So I cannot forget you

Following the flower petals that yield to the sky
When I meet you, I can tell you now that I longed for you
I long for you so I couldn't forget you

2. Baek Ji Young - After A Long Time
ini lagu sedih juga nih.. biasanya nongol kalau Park Ha lagi kumat sedih-sedihannya.. apalagi kalau lagi dijahatin sama Sena atau dikacangin sama si Lee Gak.. hadeuh.. 
penyanyi lagu ini, Baek Ji Young adalah salah satu penyanyi ballad handal di Korea sana. termasuk ratunya OST nih.. kalau liat discography nya.. banyak bener lagu OST yang dia nyanyiin.. sebenernya lagi, dia ditawarin untuk ngisi OST nya TK2H tapi gak tau kenapa ditolak.. kalau alasan ngarang aku sih, gara-gara cowoknya maen di RP ini nih, dia jadinya milih ngisi OST RP aja. hahaha.. btw, cowoknya Baek Ji Young tuh yang jadi ajudannya Lee Gak.

The talks we had as we looked at each other

The stories that only we knew
I guess I can't erase them, I can't throw them away, I can't forget them

look around these streets for the first time in a while
Whenever I pass this street, the good memories 
They keep floating up in my head so I stop my footsteps

After a long time, I am here right now
Because I long for that time, 
Though I tried to live without knowing, I keep thinking about it
That's how I am, it keeps coming into my eyes
The times we spent together, the memories - they fall like stars
How about you?

The people look only happy
It seems like I'm the only one left in loneliness
I try to pretend that I'm not but I keep thinking of you

After a long time, I am here right now
Because I long for that time, 
Though I tried to live without knowing, I keep thinking about it
That's how I am, it keeps coming into my eyes
The times we spent together, the memories - they fall like stars
Tears fall

If I wait here, will I be able to see you?
Then will I be able to tell you how I feel right now?

Because I miss you, because I am missing you
That's how I am, I only know you
Living without you makes me filled with regret about everything
Because you're not here, because there are so many empty things
Again today, I long for that spot and my footsteps won't move and I call out to you

3. Jay Park - Happy Ending
akhirnya ada lagu seneng juga! scene yang aku inget ketika denger lagu ini ya ketika ep 6.. F4 Joseon baru pada potong rambut dan menyambut Park Ha yang gagal ke Amrik.. maknyak.. ganteng-ganteng pria-pria itu.. hahahaha... ^_* 
si Jay Park ini mantan personil 2PM yang skarang bersolo karir.. suaranya cocok banget buat lagu speed cepet begini.. sukaaa.. suaranya.. kkk~~

Tell me that you remember me

That you remember that smile at least once
Just like I dreamed, you are running and you make sure it's love

* Tell me that you remember me
That you remember that smile at least once
I hope we will always fall for each other and be happy
Will others know too?
Will they be able to say they've seen something like this before?
But we're just waiting for our happy ending

Even after we meet once, twice, three times, four times
You pretend not to have interest in me
I Know I Know I Know is just again
I'm so tired of this cat and mouse game of love
They say that bad girls are attractive
I've heard that before
But please, know me now oh yeah

It starts now, our love
It's the start, just like you're born again
Our fluttering hearts that we always hoped for
Now I have no doubt that we will ever break up
Just wait now for our happy ending


  1. baek ji young emang ratunya soundtrack ya... suaranya bagus banget... apalagi kalo nonton dia nyanyi live di youtube, performancenya keren abis... hahahahaha...

    aku nunggu king 2 heartnya tamat dulu... penasaran kalo kudu nunggu seminggu seminggu... hahahaha...

    1. iya.. baek ji young ratu soundtrack lagu yg mendayu-dayu.. eh tp kalo nyanyi lagu dance keren jg sih :D

  2. Saya juga suka sekali sama soundtracknya Rooftop Prince...! Pas bener sama ceritanya... Yang After a Long Time, dalem bangeeet... Menggambarkan isi hatinya Lee Gak & Park Ha setelah mereka berpisah... T_T Yang versi cowoknya juga oke yaa.. Itu betulan Yoochun yang nyanyi kah...?

    Eh ternyata Baek Ji Yong pacaran sama pemeran salah satu ajudan..? Yang mana kah?

    1. iya emang pas banget OST nya ama suasana dramanya.. klo didenger sih kayak suaranya Yoochun, cm aku belum cari.. jd ga tau. :D

      klo Baek Ji Young iya pacaran sm slh satu ajudannya Lee Gak, cm lupa namanya, pokoknya yang jago main pedang & badannya paling berotot.. :D

  3. Thanks chingu udah ngasih info, jdi bisa download lagu yg Baek Ji Young - After A Long Time :D


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